Monday, July 13, 2009

Vineyard Playhouse gets New York Times exposure

Over the course of the last month, I have had a terrific time helping out at the Vineyard Playhouse in Vineyard Haven. They are a great group of people and I always look forward to the evenings when I get to usher there. (The photo above is from the post-show gathering on the closing night of the Playhouse's outstanding "Fly.")
Now the New York Times has cast its spotlight on the organization. Click here to read the feature (no, the writer doesn't mention my invaluable contributions, serving lemonade and cookies and helping patrons find their seats, but that's one of the reasons print journalism is headed for oblivion, don't you think?).
Thanks to Zach for originally pointing this out.

1 comment:

  1. Print is absolutely doomed when they fail to mention the Sanfordian grace of Jamz Sanford.

    Glad you spotted the article, thanks for ze link, man.
